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WireMock: Mock the APIs You Depend On

Open Source

The core WireMock engine.
Embed in your test code, run as a standalone process, or deploy via Docker.

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Web UI with team collaboration, OpenAPI + Swagger support, and chaos testing.

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Flexible API Mocking for Testing and Development

WireMock is a tool for building mock APIs. Create stable development environments, isolate yourself from flakey 3rd parties and simulate APIs that don't exist yet.

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  What's NEW? WireMock API Template Library

Test against popular 3rd-party services in a few clicks!

Browse our library of mock API templates and examples, find the API that you need, and mock it in seconds - on your local machine or in the cloud. Learn More...

wiremock cloud screenshot
wiremock cloud logo

Hosted API mocking for everyone

  • SaaS, nothing to install
  • For individuals, teams and enterprises
  • Intuitive web UI for developers
  • OpenAPI, Swagger and Postman import
  • NEW: Chaos Engineering
  • Generous free plan

Key Features

WireMock frees you from dependency on unstable APIs and allows you to develop with confidence. It's easy to launch a mock API server and simulate a host of real-world scenarios and APIs - including REST, SOAP, OAuth2 and more.

Wiremock Features

Advanced request


wiremock dynamic response

Dynamic response


wiremock unit tests

Run in your unit tests, on your

laptop or in your test environment.

wiremock fault and latency

Fault and latency


wiremock record playback

Record / Playback

wiremock java, python, http

Java, Python, HTTP and

JSON file APIs


WireMock is available as a standalone service, Java library and integrations for modern languages and technology stacks.

  • Maven
  • Gradle Groovy
  • Gradle Kotlin
  • Scala SBT
  • Standalone
  • Docker

Add the following to your project's pom.xml dependencies:


Then follow the next steps for JUnit 5+ or plain Java.

Add the following to your project's build.gradle:

testImplementation "com.github.tomakehurst:wiremock-jre8:2.35.1"

Then follow the next steps for JUnit 5+ or plain Java.

Add the following to your project's build.gradle.kts:


Then follow the next steps for JUnit 5+ or plain Java.

Add the following to your project’s build.sbt:

libraryDependencies +=
  "com.github.tomakehurst" % "wiremock-jre8" % "2.35.1" % Test

Download the latest standalone JAR then run the following in a terminal:

java -jar wiremock-jre8-standalone-2.35.1.jar

Learn more in the running standalone guide.

Run the following in a terminal:

docker run -it --rm \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  --name wiremock \

Learn more in the Docker guide.


What is WireMock?
WireMock is a free API mocking tool that can be run as a standalone server, or in a hosted version via the WireMock Cloud managed service.
What is API mocking?
API mocking involves creating a simple simulation of an API, accepting the same types of request and returning identically structured responses as the real thing, enabling fast and reliable development and testing.
When do you need to mock APIs?
API mocking is typically used during development and testing as it allows you to build your app without worrying about 3rd party APIs or sandboxes breaking. It can also be used to rapidly prototype APIs that don’t exist yet.
How do you create an API mock?
WireMock supports several approaches for creating mock APIs - in code, via its REST API, as JSON files and by recording HTTP traffic proxied to another destination.
What makes WireMock unique?
WireMock has a rich matching system, allowing any part of an incoming request to be matched against complex and precise criteria. Responses of any complexity can be dynamically generated via the Handlebars based templating system. Finally, WireMock is easy to integrate into any workflow due to its numerous extension points and comprehensive APIs.
Is WireMock open source?
Yes, WireMock is a completely open source API mocking tool (GitHub repo). If you’re looking for a hosted version of WireMock, check out WireMock Cloud.
Is WireMock a free service?
WireMock is completely free under the Apache 2.0 license.