Running without the HTTP Server

WARNING: This document is for an old WireMock 2.x baseline. See the documentation for the current WireMock 3.x baseline here

If you want to run Wiremock inside another process, such as wrapping it in a serverless function such as on AWS Lambda, or using it as part of an application’s integration tests, you previously would need to resort to Running as a Standalone Process.

This works well, but has the overhead of a full HTTP server and HTTP calls back and forth that in some cases may not be relevant, and adds a fair bit of overhead to each call, and the memory footprint of the application.

Since Wiremock v2.32.0, the DirectCallHttpServer provides the ability to run a Wiremock server without ever interacting with an HTTP layer.

It can be constructed and used like so (example usage is adapted from DirectCallHttpServerIntegrationTest):

import com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.WireMockServer;
import com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.http.Response;

import static com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.core.WireMockConfiguration.wireMockConfig;
// ..

DirectCallHttpServerFactory factory = new DirectCallHttpServerFactory();
WireMockServer wm = new WireMockServer(wireMockConfig().httpServerFactory(factory));
wm.start(); // no-op, not required

DirectCallHttpServer server = factory.getHttpServer();

Request request = new Request() {
  // fill in with the incoming request data

Response response = server.stubRequest(request);
// then use the `response`'s data, and map it accordingly

Note that prior to Wiremock v2.32.0, you can use the workaround as described by Jamie Tanna, which uses internal APIs for this.