WireMock and Python

WARNING: This document is for an old WireMock 2.x baseline. See the documentation for the current WireMock 3.x baseline here

Disclaimer: This solution page includes resources maintained by their authors outside the WireMock organization on GitHub. The info is provided as is without guarantees unless explicitly specified. Referenced projects and guidelines might be incompatible with the recent WireMock 3.x releases or the recent versions of the target technology or framework.

Please use with caution, and submit GitHub issues or pull requests to this page and referenced repositories if something is missing, broken or needs update.

Python WireMock #

Python WireMock is a library that allows users to interact with a WireMock instance from within a Python project. Key features include:

  • Testcontainers Python module to easily start WireMock server for your tests
  • REST API Client for a standalone WireMock Java server
  • Support for most of the major WireMock features (more on their way soon)

There is a Python WireMock Admin API Client that connects to a standalone WireMock server. This project is a part of WireMock’s GitHub organization.

Robot Framework Library #

This project implements the Robot Framework keywords to interact with WireMock through HTTP.