WireMock and Testcontainers

WARNING: This document is for an old WireMock 2.x baseline. See the documentation for the current WireMock 3.x baseline here

The WireMock community provides integration modules for Testcontainers They allow provisioning the WireMock server as a standalone container within your tests, based on WireMock Docker. The intent is to support all the functionality supported by WireMock.

Currently all the modules are under active development. If there is no module implemented for your technology stack, a GenericContainer implementation from Testcontainers can be used. For features that are not implemented yet in Module APIs for your language, it is possible to use the Administrative REST API.

Modules #

Java Module #

Java implementation is a separate library that is available to all JVM languages, e.g. Java, Kotlin or Scala. See full documentation in the GitHub Repository.


import org.junit.jupiter.api.*;
import org.testcontainers.junit.jupiter.*;
import org.wiremock.integrations.testcontainers.testsupport.http.*;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;

class WireMockContainerJunit5Test {

    WireMockContainer wiremockServer = new WireMockContainer("2.35.0")
            .withMapping("hello", WireMockContainerJunit5Test.class, "hello-world.json");

    void helloWorld() throws Exception {
        String url = wiremockServer.getUrl("/hello");
        HttpResponse response = new TestHttpClient().get(url);
                .as("Wrong response body")
                .contains("Hello, world!");

Python Module #

The Testcontainers Python module is a part of the Python WireMock library, so a single library integrates bot the CLI client and the Testcontainers module. See this page for all documentation and examples.


import pytest
from wiremock.testing.testcontainer import wiremock_container

@pytest.fixture(scope="session") # (1)
def wm_server():
    with wiremock_container(secure=False) as wm:
        Config.base_url = wm.get_url("__admin") # (2)=
                request=MappingRequest(method=HttpMethods.GET, url="/hello"),
                response=MappingResponse(status=200, body="hello"),
        ) # (3)
        yield wm

def test_get_hello_world(wm_server): # (4)
    resp1 = requests.get(wm_server.get_url("/hello"), verify=False)
    assert resp1.status_code == 200
    assert resp1.content == b"hello"

Golang Module #

Golang implementation is a multi-platform library that includes the Testcontainers module only. The module’s full documentation and examples are available in its GitHub Repository. There is a separate library for the CLI, see the Golang Solutions page.


import (


func TestWireMock(t *testing.T) {
 // Create Container
 ctx := context.Background()
 container, err := RunContainer(ctx,
  WithMappingFile("hello", filepath.Join("testdata", "hello-world.json")),
 if err != nil {

 // Clean up the container after the test is complete
 t.Cleanup(func() {
  if err := container.Terminate(ctx); err != nil {
   t.Fatalf("failed to terminate container: %s", err)

 // Send request
 uri, err := GetURI(ctx, container)
 if err != nil {
  t.Fatal(err, "unable to get container endpoint")
 statusCode, out, err := SendHttpGet(uri, "/hello")
 if err != nil {
  t.Fatal(err, "Failed to get a response")

 // Verify the response
 if statusCode != 200 {
  t.Fatalf("expected HTTP-200 but got %d", statusCode)
 if string(out) != "Hello, world!" {
  t.Fatalf("expected 'Hello, world!' but got %v", string(out))

Coming soon #

The following modules are under prototyping at the moment: .NET, Rust. A lot more features can be implemented in the listed modules, and any contributions are welcome! If you are interested, join us on the community Slack.