Listening for Stub Changes
You can subscribe to changes in the state of WireMock’s stubs via the StubLifecycleListener
extension point.
For instance, to respond after a new stub has been created you would do the following:
public class MyStubEventListener implements StubLifecycleListener {
public void afterStubCreated(StubMapping stub) {
log.debug("Stub named " + stub.getName() + " was created");
public String getName() {
return "my-listener";
The following methods can be overridden to subscribe to various stub lifecycle events:
void beforeStubCreated(StubMapping stub)
void afterStubCreated(StubMapping stub)
void beforeStubEdited(StubMapping oldStub, StubMapping newStub)
void afterStubEdited(StubMapping oldStub, StubMapping newStub)
void beforeStubRemoved(StubMapping stub)
void afterStubRemoved(StubMapping stub)
void beforeStubsReset()
void afterStubsReset()