Plain Java

If you’re not using JUnit or neither of the WireMock rules manage its lifecycle in a suitable way you can construct and start the server directly.

The Server #

If you want to use WireMock from Java (or any other JVM language) outside of JUnit you can programmatically create, start and stop the server:

WireMockServer wireMockServer = new WireMockServer(options().port(8089)); //No-args constructor will start on port 8080, no HTTPS

// Sometime later


For more details of the options() builder accepted by the constructor see Configuration for details.

As with stubbing and verification via the JUnit rule you can call the stubbing/verifying DSL from the server object as an alternative to calling the client.

Managing ports #

If you’ve changed the port number and/or you’re running the server on another host, you’ll need to tell the client:

WireMock.configureFor("", 8089);

And if you’ve deployed it into a servlet container under a path other than root you’ll need to set that too:

WireMock.configureFor("", 8080, "/wiremock");

The Client #

The WireMock class provides an over-the-wire client to a WireMock server (the local one by default).

Configuring for static calls #

To configure the static client for an alternative host and port:

import static com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.client.WireMock.*;

configureFor("", 8089);

If you’ve deployed the server into a servlet container under a path other than root you’ll need to set that too:

WireMock.configureFor("", 8080, "/wiremock");

Newing up #

Instances of WireMock can also be created. This is useful if you need to talk to more than one server instance.

WireMock wireMock = new WireMock("", 9090, "/wm"); // As above, 3rd param is for non-root servlet deployments
wireMock.register(get(....)); // Equivalent to stubFor()